Aarhus KatowitzDevelopment momentum and type introduction
release time:2024-07-19 14:57:06

During the use period, the user unit should organize professional technical personnel to inspect the construction electric elevator monthly according to the standard requirements, and record the inspection results.Remind customers that there are still many areas to pay attention to when maintaining and maintaining the lifting platform. We also hope that customers and friends can pay more attention when using it to ensure the safety of personnel and property, regularly maintain and extend its service life and create greater benefits for the enterprise. What is the matching degree of electric elevators? Everyone has always been confused. In short,Aarhus Proskov,Aarhus Pesaro, the matching degree of electric elevators is how the height of the electric elevator can be combined with the operating height. Electric elevators are not used frequently, so we must make it clear based on the actual operating height and actual load capacity when using electric elevators. If the frequency is too high, We suggest considering purchasing a guide rail electric elevator or a scissor fork electric elevator. The scissor fork electric elevator can achieve a maximum load capacity of tons, which effectively solves the problem of load capacity. If the frequency of use is too high and the height is relatively high, we recommend using a guide rail electric elevator. This type of electric elevator is not easy to malfunction under high-frequency operation, By solving the load capacity and frequency of use, the matching problem of electric elevators is effectively solved. Concept of electric elevator rotary valve: The electric elevator rotary valve is a type of valve that quickly opens and closes, and the rotary valve can reduce oil pipeline channels and optimize line settings.Aarhus ,Construction electric elevators should be equipped with emergency stop switches and comply with regulatory requirements.The landing door should meet the requirements of the specifications and achieve standardization.Krefeld,Setting requirements: The spacing of wall brackets along the vertical direction should comply with the provisions of the user manual.The oil cylinder and sealing components are made of imported components to solve the problem of unstable oil pressure and oil leakage of components for customers.During loading and unloading,Aarhus Munich Rim Airport, the horizontal distance between the edge of the cage door and the edge of the landing station should not exceed mm.

Aarhus KatowitzDevelopment momentum and type introduction

Once again, weekly inspections should be conducted to check whether the connecting screws at various parts of the lifting platform are tightened, whether the sealing rings are damaged or ineffective, whether there is a lack of hydraulic oil, and whether the oil cylinder is leaking. It is necessary to clean the lifting frame, scissors, wiring, and oil cylinder once a week to avoid dust and debris affecting normal operation.The shutdown device (emergency stop switch) should be non automatic reset type.Setting requirements: The guide rail should be rigid and flexible components such as wire ropes or chains should not be used.Statistics, and the neutral wire should not be arbitrarily held as a safety grounding wire. Its grounding resistance should not exceed ohms; The power supply of the electric elevator can be cut off.A complete lifting platform accessory can be selected and customized according to different places, venues, and environmental usage conditions. Meet the needs of different users. So why lifting platforms can be used and installed in so many industries and places is because they can achieve multi-purpose, demonstrate multifunctional, meet various different needs, and win market demand. In modern industrial transportation processes lifting platforms have begun to play an increasingly important role, whether in airports, docks, warehouses, floors, It has also brought great contributions to the entire industry and even the entire economic development. However, long-term operation and use of these devices inevitably lead to wear and consumption, and regular maintenance and upkeep are essential. Otherwise both work efficiency and utilization rate will decrease, and at that time, the gains and losses will outweigh the losses.From the above comparison, it can be seen that hydraulic electric lifting mechanisms have stable lifting, low noise, long service life, large load bearing capacity, and are relatively simple, making them suitable for use in stage equipment.

Aarhus KatowitzDevelopment momentum and type introduction

During loading and unloading,The oil cylinder and sealing components are made of imported components to solve the problem of unstable oil pressure and oil leakage of components for customers.The pressure joint between the pipe joint and the rubber hose fails prematurely, causing oil leakage or pipe explosion. The oil temperature rises due to frequent action of the overflow valve.In order to meet the needs of contemporary audiences and achieve perfect effects, in addition to lighting and sound, stage machinery is particularly important on the stage. On the stage, there are suspension rods, suspension points, lighting bridges, lighting suspension cages, and fire curtains. Under the stage, there are lifting platforms, car platforms, turntables, and lifting orchestras. Some lifting platforms are equipped with turntables, or there are lifting platforms in the turntables. Various types of lifting platforms are equipped in professional opera houses, dance theaters, drama theaters, and many internationally renowned music halls. It has the functions of quickly changing scenery, meeting the needs of stage craft layout, meeting the needs of stage design and choreographers, creating special atmosphere and effects, and changing the stage form according to the needs of the performance.Aarhus Drainage measures need to be considered around the foundation. (Drain the accumulated water on the foundation).Speed limit wire rope switch. When the speed limit wire rope trips or breaks. Make the electric elevator unable to start.The entrance of each landing platform must be equipped with a landing door, which must open towards the landing platform side, and the door bolt must be set on the side next to the construction electric elevator.

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