corkStage elevatorWhat is the type and function
release time:2024-09-08 07:27:26

The requirement for the shaft is that it should not be plastered, which is beneficial for reducing noise, but there should be no protruding foreign objects.During the use of elevators, some elevator users seek temporary workers or unqualified companies for elevator maintenance in order to reduce costs and save funds. Once safety issues arise, even the responsible unit cannot be found. If the maintenance is carried out by elevator manufacturers or qualified professional companies, on the one hand, the maintenance technology and quality are guaranteed, and on the other hand, if any problems occur, someone is also responsible.cork,The braking system of the elevator is usually closed, which means it is in the braking state when there is no power, and only when it needs to be turned on, will the power turn on the brakes. So as soon as there was a power outage, the brakes closed and the elevator was braked in mid air. When the elevator descends abnormally, cut off the power and the elevatorThe call button on each floor is no longer working and the call is cut off.kelowna,Machine room power supply: The power supply should be three-phase V, HZ and the lighting power supply should be single-phase V, HZ. The incoming line should be connected to the vicinity of the machine room entrance and equipped with an incoming socket. Specializing in product and renewable resource business, including: home elevator manufacturersIf the elevator is already on the first floor, immediately open the elevator door and enter the firefighter's dedicated state.Measure the beam edge distance between the upper and lower support beams. The measurement is to suspend the line from the upper support point to the ground for positioning, and then measure the horizontal distance from the positioning point to the edge of the lower support beam.

corkStage elevatorWhat is the type and function

The shaft for updating the old elevator: The measurement of the shaft for the old elevator is the same as the shaft that has just been constructed. When the old elevator is not yet in use,corkStage main lifting platform, try to obtain relevant data outside the shaft, such as the size of the machine room, floor height, and net size of the door opening. There are two situations when the old elevator is not yet in use: a. When the old elevator can start: in this case, paying attention to recording the pit size and the wall structure of the first floor, such as whether the hall door is centered, whether there are brackets whether there are special structures on the shaft wall, the spacing between ring beams, and the position of embedded parts. Then, the measuring personnel and elevator technicians take the elevator to the top floor. After measuring the machine room, the measuring personnel, with the cooperation of the technicians, go up to the car roof and start the elevator at a maintenance speed. When the car roof is slightly lower than the sill of the second floor hall door, the parking lot stops. During this process, the measuring personnel observe and measure the full travel of the shaft from the top floor mainly the height of the floor, while recording the measurement (safety must be paid attention to, and special attention should be paid to moving parts such as counterweights and wire ropes).Elevator Tip : Why elevators can trap people? Every elevator door on each floor has a safety switch, which can trigger the elevator to shut down in case of any abnormality. The elevator getting stuck is actually when the system detects an abnormal signal and triggers a protective device,corkFixed lifting rotating stage,corkAluminum alloy high-altitude lifting platform, please check,If the elevator is already on the first floor, immediately open the elevator door and enter the firefighter's dedicated state.For escalators that require intermediate support, it is necessary to determine whether the site has the conditions for adding support, as well as the range of support that can be added, the height and load size of the equipment and support platform, and other parameters.Multiple elevator shafts can be connected and an - # I-beam can be fixed at a certain height between each adjacent elevator shaft, with the same position as the ring beam. The pit must be equipped with an isolation net that is mm above the ground level.

corkStage elevatorWhat is the type and function

The treatment of general civil engineering problems on escalator sites: the beam edge distance is too large: in this case, the length of the upper and lower platforms of the escalator can be increased to meet the actual dimensions of civil engineering. One platform can be extended on one side, or both platforms can be extended simultaneously. The total extension of the upper and lower platforms should generally not exceed mm. When lengthening the platform, attention should be paid to the length of the pit or the opening of the floor slab, which should also be lengthened at the same time. After the escalator is extended, the force on the upper and lower support points will also increase. If the edge distance of the beam increases too long, changing the angle of the escalator from degrees to degrees can also make the beam edge distance longer.Good quality,Maintenance of elevator hall doors and car doors. Elevator malfunctions usually occur on the elevator hall and car doors, so attention should be paid to the maintenance of the hall and car doors. One is to refuel the fuel on the upper sill of the door and keep it in good condition, so that the elevator will not make unpleasant noises during operation and the opening of the door. Pay attention to the inspection of the safety contact plate or light curtain type contact plate switch wire of the elevator, as the frequency of opening and closing the door in the elevator is high, which can cause damage to the switch wire. This requires maintenance personnel to inspect it every time they work, they will alarm and generally cannot be started. Most passengers can also voluntarily exit.Machine room power supply: The power supply should be three-phase V, HZ, and the lighting power supply should be single-phase V, HZ. The incoming line should be connected to the vicinity of the machine room entrance and equipped with an incoming socket. Specializing in product and renewable resource business, including: home elevator manufacturerscork,b. When the old elevator cannot start: due to the inability to enter the shaft, limited data can only be obtained from outside the shaft to determine whether it is non-standard (if there is a high platform in the machine room, the plane size of the shaft can be measured in the machine room, but it is not accurate enough) for elevator quotation negotiation reference. In this case, the signing of the contract should state that the shaft rectification and costs are the responsibility of the user. For uncertain shaft structures and dimensions, users should be reminded to provide them to the elevator after the old elevator or notify the elevator to take measurements before the new elevator is put into operation.Brick concrete structure elevator shaft: For unfinished brick structure shafts users can be required to make a circle of beams at a certain height, arranged on three sides, and disconnected on one side of the elevator entrance. The distance between the center heights of the beams depends on the product model, and should not exceed mm. The beam height should be mm, and the thickness should be the same as the wall. The lower ring beam is -mm away from the bottom of the pit, and the higher ring beam is -mm away from the lower surface of the shaft roof. The completed framework with a solid brick structure shaft can be equipped with steel plywood at the position of the fixed guide rail support frame. The position and size of the plywood are provided by the elevator, and the user is responsible for providing materials and construction. If the shaft structure is made of hollow bricks without ring beams, steel beams can be considered to be added between the frames for rectification.The speed limiter tensioning device and the steel belt tensioning device should be equipped with a safety switch.

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