desalinationCentrifugal slurry pumpWhat is the future trend
release time:2024-09-08 07:15:47

  Work, no noise and vibration, and the site is cleaner.  As an emerging product, the submersible slurry pump has many advantages, especially filling the gap in the application conditions of the traditional horizontal and vertical slurry pumps. At present, the application of the submersible slurry pump is gradually becoming more and more widespread, and the market recognition is continuously improving, especially meeting the needs of deep-water sand pumping and dredging. At present, the depth can reach meters.desalination,  There is no suction line. As the water storage tank is not deep enough and the suction pipe of the water pump is not deep enough, the depth was .~lm, and it was impossible to   If it is found that the impeller is damaged and the liquid supply is insufficient, it is necessary to replace the new impeller in time for use.Dodola, the demand for submersible slurry pumps has increased greatly. In many fields, submersible slurry pumps have replaced vertical slurry pumps. What are the differences between the two? Let&#;s yze.   When adding lubricating oil to the pump at ordinary times, the metering must be controlled and the excess lubricating oil in the pump must be discharged and replaced regularly.  Analysis of installation problems of slurry pump For bearings lubricated with thin oil, and motor power p=i × U indicates that high power and current will increase.   When the slurry pump operates oil shall be added according to the oil level line of the oil standard before start-up. Add (HL hydraulic oil in winter and (hl hydraulic oil in summer. The bearing lubricating oil of the slurry pump shall be replaced once after continuous operation ( hours.

desalinationCentrifugal slurry pumpWhat is the future trend

  About %), it rotates at a high speed, and the components of the slurry pump have a heavy weight. Therefore, once it reverses, the force will directly push the impeller to the outside, and the impeller collides with the sheath and guard plate. If the speed is high, the force ratio is low   The slurry pump mainly aims at conveying flow, so the flow meter (meter) shall be installed in the operation monitoring system as far as possible to monitor whether the flow meets the requirements at any time; In the pipeline system, slag flushing system and pressure filtration dehydration system equipped with hydrocyclone, certainHome page recommendation, other parts of the pump also need to be replaced in time when they are damaged. Moreover, some parts of the pump are relatively easy to be damaged, so we need to replace them regularly during use  Check whether it needs to be replaced.   add water with manual pump. Some pump owners have their own hand pumps. They can also buy or manufacture their own small hand pumps. The gate valve shall be installed at the water inlet. After closing the valve, inject a small amount of water into the water compressor to divert water. When the hand pump discharges water, it means that the pump is full  Basically, the reasons for the motor heating of the submersible slurry pump are the above items. If the motor heating occurs, you can find the reasons from the above items. However, it must be noted that if the fault is caused by electricity, people who do not know electricity should not repair it by themselves, so as to avoid people

desalinationCentrifugal slurry pumpWhat is the future trend

  Occurrence of personal injury accident. The slurry pump is mainly used to transport water or similar media when in use. It can also be regarded as a common pump in our life, but it will also be overloaded when in use. Let&#;s have a look todayDesign brand,desalinationFire deep well pump,  The effective power is also called output power, which is expressed by PE. It is the effective energy obtained in the pump by the medium liquid output from the pump in unit time.   the resistance shall be greater than megohm after filling with water. Turn on the power supply to test the steering and mark the continuous position.   If the pump is equipped with a vacuum gauge or pressure gauge, close the cock connected with the submersible slurry pump before starting the motor, open it after the speed is normal, and then gradually open the outlet sluice valve. If the flow is too large, you can properly turn down the gate valve for adjustment. Otherwise, if the flow is too small,desalinationVertical multistage centrifugal pipeline pump,Open the gate valve.desalination,  When using the sand pump, be sure to pay attention to the steering divergence between the motor and the pump. The sand pump has an arrow on the pump to mark the main steering. After the power supply is connected run the pump without load. Check whether the motor operates normally. During operation, be careful not to exceed the bearing on the pump support to avoid  When the pump is not in use, the pump shall be lifted away from the water source in time to drain the accumulated water in the pump, especially in cold winter. Then put it in a dry place. Conditional users can also apply oil to the key parts of the water pump and add lubricating oil to the bearing to prevent parts from rusting. in addition  There are many types of submersible slurry pumps available in the market, and different pump models have different performance and application fields. Therefore, although the pump has a wide range of applications, if its model is not correctly and reasonably selected, its application effect will be great

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